More Than $5 Million Worth of Electronic Vaporisers Seized

On 24 April 2024, officers from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) arrested two Thai male nationals during an inland enforcement operation at a warehouse located within Woodlands Industrial Park. The two men aged 22 and 30 years old were immediately arrested and subsequently charged in court on 26 April 2024 for staying in Singapore unlawfully without a valid pass. 

2        During the operation, ICA officers found a huge quantity of e-vaporisers and components at the warehouse and alerted the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). A total of more than 400,000 e-vaporisers and components worth more than $5 million were seized from the warehouse. The two men are assisting in investigations. This is the second largest e-vaporiser seizure by HSA, following the one in March, where a total of more than $6 million e-vaporisers and components were seized. Please refer to the Annex for photos of the items seized, and this link for a video of items found in the warehouse.

Penalties for such offences in Singapore    

3        HSA would like to remind the public that it is an offence[1] to import, distribute, sell or offer for sale e-vaporisers and their components. Any person convicted of an offence is liable to a fine of up to $10,000, or imprisonment of up to six months or both for the first offence, and a fine of up to $20,000, or imprisonment of up to 12 months or both for the second or subsequent offence. All prohibited tobacco items will also be seized and confiscated.

4        ICA takes a serious view of attempts to overstay in Singapore. Under the Immigration Act, the penalties for overstaying for a period not exceeding 90 days are a fine up to $4,000 or to imprisonment of up to six months or both. Arrested immigration offenders are also deported and barred from re-entering Singapore after sentencing and/or payment of fines. ICA will continue to conduct rigorous and regular inland enforcement operations to ensure the immigration offenders situation remains under control.

5        Members of the public are also advised to report suspected cases of immigration offenders to ICA at

Consumer advisory

6        The purchase, use and possession of e-vaporisers is prohibited. Information pertaining to prohibited tobacco products in Singapore is available on the HSA website and more details about the harms of e-vaporisers can be found in this HealthHub article.

7        Members of the public who have information on the illegal import, distribution, sale or offer for sale of e-vaporisers can contact HSA’s Tobacco Regulation Branch at Tel: 6684 2036 or 6684 2037 during office hours (9:00am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday).


21 MAY 2024

[1] This offence falls under the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act.

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Consumer, Healthcare professional, Industry member, Tobacco control

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