HSA Data Protection Policy

1. The Health Sciences Authority (“The Authority”) receives or collects personal data for the purpose of planning and administering public health policies.

2. The personal data received or collected by the Authority may serve one or many of these purposes where applicable.

  • To regulate the manufacture, import, export, sale, supply, advertisement and use of health products, tobacco products, radioactive materials and irradiating apparatuses in accordance with the applicable written laws.
  • To conduct technological assessments of health products for the purpose of determining their quality, safety, efficacy and suitability for consumption and use in Singapore and to advise the Government thereon.
  • To collect and co-ordinate the collection of blood from donors and to test, process and distribute such blood and the products thereof for the purpose of building and maintaining a safe and adequate national blood supply.
  • To provide professional, investigative and analytical services in health sciences to the Government and to any other person or body (whether in Singapore or elsewhere).
  • To conduct or engage any other person to conduct research in health sciences, and generally to promote the development of health sciences.
  • To act internationally as the national authority or representative of Singapore in respect of matters relating to health sciences.
  • To carry out such other functions as are imposed upon the Authority by or under the Health Sciences Authority Act or any other written law.

3. The Authority undertakes to observe the following practices in handling your personal data:

  • Specify the purpose(s) for use of your personal data;
  • Protect your personal data from unauthorised access;
  • Retain your personal data for only as long as needed to meet its purposes;

4. We may share necessary data with other Government agencies (or non-Government entities which have been authorised to carry out specific Government services) to process any applications you have made or to render you a service, so as to serve you in a most efficient and effective way, unless such sharing is prohibited by legislation. However, we will ensure that these agencies satisfy the requirements of the HSA Data Protection Policy;

5. For your convenience, we may also display to you data you had previously supplied to us or other Government agencies. This will speed up the transaction and save you the trouble of repeating previous submissions.

6. If you have any questions or concerns about this Data Protection Policy, please contact:

Quality Service Manager
Health Sciences Authority
11 Outram Road
Singapore 169078
Tel: 1800 - 2130800
Fax: 62130749
Email: hsa_info@hsa.gov.sg

You should expect a reply within 3 to 7 working days of us receiving your feedback.

7. If you would like a copy of your personal data being held by Health Sciences Authority, please approach the HSA Quality Service Manager in person. Please bring along your Identification Card to fill up an application form and have your particulars verified. Processing of your request will take around 3 to 7 days working days after receiving your application. You would be notified closer to the collection date to pick up the information in person and if there would be any charges incurred.

8. If you would like to update or correct your personal data which you have provided to Health Sciences Authority previously, please contact the HSA Quality Service Manager who will attend to your request.