Follow this guide for the documentary requirements, fees and turnaround time of the MAV-1 application via the abridged evaluation route for CTGTP.
You may submit a MAV-1 application via the abridged evaluation route if the variation has been evaluated and approved by at least one of our comparable overseas regulators.
The proposed variation submitted to us should be the same as that approved by the regulatory agency that issued the proof of approval.
You must submit the application dossier within 2 working days of the application and organise it in either an International Council for Harmonisation Common Technical Document (ICH CTD) or ASEAN CTD (ACTD) format. You need to submit all documents in English.
Your application dossier must be submitted to us in a CD/DVD labelled with the following information:
Each application must be accompanied by an application checklist, completed by the applicant and attached in the online application form.
Use one of the following application checklists for your CTD format. Each checklist provides details on the specific documents that need to be submitted with your application.
Refer to CTGTP fees and turn-around-time for more information.
Submit your application through the relevant application form. Ensure you have the following before submitting your application:
Regulatory overview
Class 1 CTGTP notification
Register a Class 2 CTGTP
Variation applications
Dealer's notice
Dealer's licensing and certification
Risk management plan requirements
Report adverse events
Report or recall defective products
Clinical trials
Product consultation
Advertisements and promotions
Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product
Duties And Obligations
Guidance documents
Fees and turnaround time
Notified Class 1 CTGTP
Register of Class 2 CTGTP
Register of Licensed CTGTP Importers, Wholesalers and Manufacturers
CTGTP E-services